Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nominations Are Open!


Everyone here at The Sunflower Awards would like to thank you for taking the time to nominate all your favorite under-appreciated fics.We couldn't do this without any of you.

The link for nominations is posted under the Nominate & Rules tab. We strongly urge you to take a moment and read the rules. All categories have a 1000 review limit, meaning big named stories won't be accepted, including the Author categories. Each story posted by an author you nominate must be under the review limit. We all felt that, while widely recognized fics are the reason for this fandom's success, they've had their turn in the sun. It's time to see what jewels have been hidden from us.

Each winner will get a banner made by DivineInspiration depicting them as the winner with our logo and the sunflower background. 

The categories are pretty self explanatory, with the exception of the Sunflower Award, and the Sunflower Storyteller Award. These two will, hopefully, showcase the best of the best Twilight fanfiction has to offer.

The Sunflower Award is for that fic that inspired, shocked, scared, or otherwise affected you. These are the fics that you want to read over and over again. The winner will not only receive a Sunflower banner, but will also have a custom made banner for their story by DivineInspiration.

The Sunflower Storyteller Award is for the Author who you always run when they update or start a new story. These are the writers whose fics you love. This winner will be given a Sunflower banner and custom made banner as well.

Again, thanks for taking the time to give us your favorites. We're really excited to see what you come up with.

--The Sunflower Staff

Nominate your favorites here.

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